Friday, February 21, 2014

WrestlingNerd: Smackdown-The Action Packed Filler

What up yall? I'm back with another review. We are looking at the Smackdown before Elimination Chamber. Usually, WWE likes to hype the PPV and place any last minute matches. Of course, it holds up to that, so how was the show? Lets take a look at Friday Night Smackdown...

Daniel Bryan vs The World

Daniel Bryan vs Jack Swagger w/ Zeb Coulter and Cesaro
With Daniel's arm bandaged, it was an easy target for Swagger. Daniel Bryan has the Yes Movement underway with the crowd chanting. All in all it was a good match. Daniel Bryan hits the knee for the pinfall.
Vickie and Kane comes out to give Bryan a second match with Cesaro.

Daniel Bryan vs Cesaro w/ Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter
Again attacking the arm of Bryan, Cesaro goes to hurt Bryan's chances at Elimination Chamber. Cesaro really is trying to make himself interesting with new moves slewing out and an over character. If he was better at the mic, he would instantly be a much more credible champion. Swagger picks up a chair while Bryan is laying on the outside. The ref catches him and sends both Coulter and Swagger out. After the commercial break, Kane is appearing on the outside of the match. Bryan hits the knee and Cesaro drops. Kane then chokeslams Bryan. Now I have been saying that the Kane/Bryan rivalry needs to end soon. I would rather have Triple H cause Bryan the match at Elimination Chamber, so they can feud towards Wrestlemania. Kane/Bryan should of ended here or RAW. Kane needs to move on. After the chokeslam, Cesaro picks up the pieces for his neutralizer.

Wyatts hype up their match with Shield

The Wyatt Family vs Rhodes Bros/ Rey Mysterio
This was the match of the night. I mean for Smackdown this was pretty good. Before the match, Bray Wyatt cuts a last minute promo. Bray has a certain appeal to each. Words have been spoken about his promos: creepy, fluent, well-spoken and menacing. I'd like to say that if his character stands true all the way through his wrestling career, he would become quite like the Undertaker. Could you imagine the vignette for Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker at WM30? It would blow my mind. So about the match...Rey and Luke Harper start the match. Now if you watch The Wyatts, you will now see the archetype heel persona. Sure they attack people, but no cheap shots and no heel like moves. They use their overwhelming power and character to become menacing and intimidating. In the end, Rey hits the 619 on Rowan. Harper takes out Rey. Cody takes out Harper, and Bray hits the Sister Abigail on Goldust for the win. 

The Midcard 

Emma and Summer Rae have a dance off while I go for beer...
Alexander Rusev and Lana have another promo...I have already made that joke.

Dolph Ziggler vs Titus O'Neil
With Darren Young on commentary and a new shirt that looks like they just put a calender on a shirt, the competitors square off. Now that Ziggler is enhancement talent, maybe more wrestlers will stop talking non-kayfabe truth about WWE.

My point about talented wrestlers. I mean why waste your talents doing nothing when TNA is right around the corner. Anyway the match was ok, except for Titus O'Neil. My god can that guy talk. He needs to be pushed. Darren Young isn't as talented, but much better than some of the wrestlers. Young takes O'Neil's whistle and blows it. It causes Titus a distraction while Ziggler gains the rollup win. I have to say this rivalry is getting hotter and hotter. 

Jimmy Uso w/Jey Uso vs Road Dogg w/Billy Gunn
The match was short and sweet with Jimmy hitting the superkick for the win. It looks like the tag team titles will be on the PPV.

An Irishman and a Canadian walk in a Bar Pub...

Sheamus vs Christian
During the night, each wrestler was interviewed. Each did their job hyping both the main event and the PPV. 
Christian comes out as a heel. The process was fast, but needed for the Sheamus/Christian rivalry. I look to them Eliminating one another at EC. Sheamus on the other hand gave his usual promo that is funny and aggressive. Now the match wasn't a 5-star classic, but good for Smackdown. You can feel desperation coming off Christian as Sheamus brawls as he always does. The story between them is more about Christian than Sheamus, however this is just the rain before the storm. Sheamus wins with White Noise. While he celebrates, Christian turns full heel and throws Sheamus off the top rope to the floor. Then Smackdown ends.


The show did what it was supposed to by hyping the PPV. One thing I haven't mentioned is most of the night we saw just promos and vignettes on the upcoming PPV. Now that is understandable as the go-home show, but they really over did it. Elimination Chamber PPV is exciting for two reasons: the chamber match and the feud between the Wyatts and the Shield. Sure they added in a few matches that may look good, but just aren't. Tomorrow is my first PPV match prediction and opinion on each aspect, so I won't go into it too much. Just know that tonight is passable, but the action was pretty damn good. Just skip the dancing part and get some beer. Leave comments and suggestions below. Thanks!

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