Saturday, February 15, 2014

Smackdown: The Underrated Gem

What up yall? WWE Wrestling Nerd is back with Smackdown 2/14/14. After a horrible RAW, I am not looking forward to this. If RAW sucked, why should the 2nd rate show be any better... Well I'll get my Cherry Coke with Captain Morgan in it, and watch the show.

Daniel Bryan/Christian/Sheamus vs. The Shield

We start off with a six man tag match. I am getting sick of these six man tags, but this one was pretty good. Christian and Seth Rollins start off the match. Soon enough we have Roman Reigns and Sheamus fighting. Damn it was like Cesaro/Sheamus fighting again. I would love to see Cesaro vs Sheamus, but now seeing Reigns and Sheamus, I'd see Reigns having great matches in the future. Bryan comes in igniting the Ontario, California crowd. Each time I see that backflip he does is simply amazing. However, Christian was pretty funny in the background. It was like the camera was on him, but he forgot what to do. Eventually, The Shield has Bryan to take care of alone, but you know as well as I do that the hot tag is coming. Christian comes in on the hot tag in a blaze of fury against Ambrose. Chaos ensues and all the men are fighting. Sheamus accidentally Brogue Kicks Christian. Reigns spears Sheamus, and Ambrose picks up the win. This had great action, better than RAW. Hmmm...

Fandango w/Summer Rae vs The Miz

Is Fandango-ing still going on? I mean it was used to make fun of the product, not as some stupid lame-ass dance. The Miz works on Fandango for the setup into the Figure Four. In the middle of the match, you hear chants for the Undertaker. Well its WWE's fault. Give a boring gimmick to a great NXT wrestler, yes wrestler not dancer. This whole dancing, trying to be popular is not working out. Try going back and being cutting edge. Santino Marella comes out with Emma. She really got her introduction into WWE well. With a guy who is a lost cause, and a dancing gimmick. She fights with Summer Rae while Santino Cobras Fandango. Miz picks up the win with the Skull Crushing Finale. Boring...

Trying to make the Intercontinental Title mean something 

We have a short interview between Cesaro and Bryon. Cesaro is known as the dark horse, and he really plays it right. Looking at it, Cesaro has probably got a 5% chance of winning.

4-way fatal finale to be the number one contender for the Intercontinental Title. Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio vs Mark Henry vs Kofi Kingston. Ok now this was a match that is kinda exciting. It felt new-ish. However, I do have my gripes. Easily from the start, we all know Mark Henry and Rey Mysterio are not able to have the IC title since they are injury prone. Kofi is stuck in the midcard, however they have made him midcard champion many many times. Jack Swagger is the only one that looks suitable for the IC title. Of course, they have Sandow, Ziggler, The Miz and Barrett on the side, but they just aren't as viable as the midcard veterans. We really need more popular guys in the hunt for the Midcard Title. Now the US title is just the European Title in disguise. The US title is for the low card and newcomers. Jack Swagger wins with the Patriot Lock. Big E Langston was on the commentary, but has the persona of a cucumber. I hope Jack Swagger wins.

Tag teams galore

One thing I forgot to mention on RAW review was Lita in the Hall of Fame. She really deserves it, but can't we see her help the incredibly dull divas division. Speaking of the Divas, we have a rerun of RAW's diva action. Sigh... Now when I say rerun, I don't mean there was a rematch NO! They play the fucking match again so you can have a reason to gouge out your eyes. Here is a better match.

Knockouts: the only reason to watch TNA

New Age Outlaws/Rybaxel vs The Usos/Rhodes Bros.
Another tag match with more than two on each side. However as long its not the divas then I'm good. This match started out slow, but really picked up with the Usos getting the victory. This match was pretty damn good too. It looks like we are going to have the NAO vs The Usos at Elimination Chamber. I'm really excited for these tag team matches. I hope they fix up the other titles as well.

Something better than Batista vs Del Rio..

Damien Sandow vs Darren Young 

The match was short and didn't matter. What did matter was Titus O'Neil on commentary. Titus is a funnyman and a great wrestler. He really is a total package. Titus and Darren should be in the hunt for the US title. Darren Young wins the match. Sandow really needs a reboot. Big E langston gets the midcard title with no persona, but someone like Sandow with huge potential is wasted away. I forgot, Vince McMahon loves his big men...

After the match, Titus and Darren brawl with Titus backing away with half of his pants. This really is funny if you know Darren Young's backstory. This rivalry is much more intense than Batista and Del Rio. Titus  and Young each have legit reason to hate each other. Both are good in the ring, and Titus O'Neil is awesome on the mic.

The Viper is Back?

Earlier Randy Orton is interviewed by Renee Young, and all he says basically is "I'm bringing the Viper back!"

Cesaro w/ Zeb Coulter vs Randy Orton

Triple H conducts an interview about Cesaro being a dangerous man. During the match, Orton toys with Cesaro. However, Cesaro rises as a story about being an underdog rising up in the challenge. Think Rocky and there you go. The crowd is really backing Cesaro while they display a great story in-ring. Orton takes the Big Swing. The ending was a big payoff. After all the crap Orton displayed in the ring towards Cesaro, he got pinned with the Neutralizer. Cesaro wins a huge match showing that he is indeed a major player.

I have to say Smackdown beat RAW in story and action. I don't have much to say, but wow. RAW got its ass beat. The tag matches were great, the O'Neil/Young story is intriguing and the main event match was a classic. Now it did have its problems. The Miz/Fandango/Santino debacle was a mess. The fatal four way needed better characters and that horrible divas match rerun. All in all it was good just skip a few parts. 

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