Sunday, February 9, 2014

Smackdown 2/7/14

Hello and welcome to the show. Today we look at the 2nd rate blue brand of the WWE, Smackdown. Is the show good or does it suck ass. Well let me open up my Bud Light Lime and see...

Tag Team Match: Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler/Kofi Kingston
With the action going on in the ring, we get Seth Rollins on commentary. I have to say that each member of the Shield is getting better and better with the mic. To any wrestler that goes to the top, it should be required to be skilled at the mic. Inside the ring, we get the normal match that we normally see. It's obvious that whose going to win the match. It just sucks the big one that talented guys like Dolph Ziggler is sunk back down to the mid to low card. Making him team with Kofi  just shows that there might be a bleak future ahead for Ziggler. Another point is brought up about the friction in the Shield: the friction between Ambrose and Reigns. Along with Cole practically interrogating Rollins about the issue, we see it in the ring. Ambrose goes for the easy pin when it was Reigns that did the heavy work, however Reigns would have none of that. He spears his man and then tags in Ambrose like "look bitch at what I did."

Bray Wyatt Promo
After the tag match, The Wyatts make a promo on the titantron towards The Shield. Bray talks about the issues with The Shield in his creepy riddle-like manner. Once again great mic work. I hope to see him take on the Undertaker.

Promos galore...
Since most of what you see tonight on Smackdown is a bunch of promo work, I'm just going to get them out of the way except the titantron ones.
-Daniel Bryan comes out to a muffled Des moines audience, It's easily noticeable that the taped episode had some sound editing. Whomever did it is probably going to get fired. The chants tonight sounded fake and the real ones sounded like water was in the sound equipment. Anyway, Bryan comes out and calls out Kane. Kane comes out and apologies about his actions on RAW. Bryan tells Kane basically he sold out, and Bryan wants his friend back. Kane is irritated and puts Bryan in a match with Antonio Caesro.
-Next, The Real Muricans promo friction between Zeb/Caesro and Swagger. Nuff said.
-Alexander Rusev promos and it looks like we have another superstar that has a Soviet/Russian-like background. I know he is Bulgarian, but just comes off that way. I just hope he doesn't go down like Vladimir Kozlov.
-Titus O'neil is interviewed by Renee Young. He talks about dropping weight or Darren Young. Which makes Mr. No days off feel fat and beats up his old tag team partner.
-Alberto Del Rio is interviewed by Renee Young. All I get from Del Rio is perro perro Batista perro. Seriously, Del Rio is mad at Batista coming in and taking the spotlight. This reminds me of someone *cough* CM Punk *cough*
-If you haven't gotten enough Renee Young, here's another interview but with the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Again Randy Orton is emotionless and whines and bitches. Hell if there is no doughnuts, 
do you think he would bitch...

Back to the action
AJ Lee w/ Tamina vs. Nikki Bella w/ Brie Bella
Oh joy the match of the night and it's over. WEEEEEeeeeeee!!!!. The divas' division is about appealing as The Great Khali's wrestling skills. AJ, Tamina and Natalya are the only "Divas" that actually matter. So much has been said about this division, but here is my take. Have better/longer matches, give AJ the mic and cancel that reality divas show. Oh yeah, AJ won.

Antonio Caesro vs Daniel Bryan
If it was longer, this match would of been classic. Great action and real chemistry. Those guys coming from Ring of Honor really knows their wrestling. The only bad part was JBL and Cole bickering. Sometimes I wish WWE would allow us to have a non-commentated match, or just tell them to keep it to a minimum. Bryan wins with the Yes Lock, but Corporate Kane comes and distracts Bryan. In turn, Caesro neutralizes Bryan then Kane choke slams Bryan. 

Sheamus vs Ryback
Does it suck to be Ryback? Reduced to a blubbering idiot with a bully gimmick that couldn't intimidate Marty Mcfly and teaming with the 2nd generation superstar that is so overwhelming boring he makes Santino Marella look like Macho Man Randy Savage. Yes it does suck. Axel and Ryback gets a Brogue kick for squeezing the life out of the match.

Goldust vs Bray Wyatt
Now here is a match that is welcomed. The battle of the bizarre. Goldust and Bray tries to creep each other out and its a blast watching two masters work. Bray Wyatt wins with Sister Abigail. Goldust is once again great in the ring, and Bray does good to excite us. My only gripe is the match was way too short. Why were the good matches short today?

The Shield's titantron Promo
Same as usual we are the better team...we aren't having issues, but we are. Believe in the Shield.

Last Match
Randy Orton vs Christian
So this match was meh... They aren't going to be as good as they were fighting over the WHC. That comes obvious. However, mid-match Orton grabs a mic and starts going off on Des Moines. Blizzards, cancelled flights and the fact he must stay in Des Moines what he rants about. It almost looks like he saw a weather report before he came out and just blew up about it. It's pretty funny. Here's your doughnut Randy...

In the match, you hear "Randy sucks" chant. Again it is so obvious that it is a fake chant. Was the editing done by Hacksaw Jim Duggan. that would be more entertaining. So Orton wins with a top rope counter to a RKO. 

Overall I think that Smackdown is getting better, but the booking still sucks and short matches entertaining matches aren't good enough. It's middle of the road. 5/10 Watchable.

Question: Who is the greatest microphone artist as a wrestler and why?

My answer is Macho Man Randy Savage is the best with a mic. His over the top interviews talking about random stuff is hilarious, and he didn't use a script. Oh Yeah!

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